Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Catholic culture: how to make a banner...

Processional banners are always a nice extra and they're easy to make. Cut your damask to the size you want and then simply bring it to a t-shirt printing shop where they can steam press (iron) on the logo.

Catholic culture: papal honor guard...

Carabinieri Easter Sunday, 2007.

The dead speak: today me, tomorrow you...

Catholic culture: Archconfraternities in Rome...

Now this is lay participation. And why do we see this in only Catholic countries? Pastors, start an "archconfraternity" in your own parish and design the habit accordingly.

Monday, September 29, 2008

A.D. 2008: Year of Saint Paul...

Of all the Rome photos I've taken this is my most favorite. At dawn the facade of St. Peter's Basilica is ablaze in the morning sun and this has been perfectly captured in this instant.
The photo was taken earlier this month during the Summorum Pontificum Rome conference as all of us conference participants were on our way into the Vatican Basilica for morning Masses at the many side altars.
There is no better hour to see the facade of St. Peter's then at this hour. Timeless.

Only in Italy: magnificently black Requiem set..

Sunday, September 28, 2008

The extras as seen in Catholic Italy...

Replication is important to so pass on to our youth our heritage. Catholic craftsmanship must be copied, or in large part lost to history (or museums). See how it's done here and do the same in your parish.

The extras as seen in Catholic Italy...

Everybody knows what a sacrarium is as found in a sacristy - the extra sink with the drain not into the sewer, but into the soil.
In addition, one always sees this type of drain in Rome, too. They made these in the floor of most every sanctuary, always next to the credence table, near the main altar.
In this manner the lavabo dish and the cruets could be poured out in a reverent manner after the service into the soil instead of into the sewer.
Such detail to reverence! Now can we do the same in our pockets of the world?

The extras as seen in Catholic Italy...

In Italy, even today, they have television commercials for holy cards...and it's great to see these toy saints in Rome, too!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Study in Rome: under the shadow of the dome...

JPSonnen invites you during the historic German pontificate to study in Rome (long live the school of Litterae Humaniores)!
Study Bioethics or Canon Law or Church History or Patristics or whatever. And although nobody knows this, you can even get degrees in Library Science from the Vatican Apostolic Library (if your Latin and Italian are good, and they'll even give you a nice internship there if you're lucky). So welcome to Rome and be a part of this!
N.B. The first and constant aim of this blog has simply been to inspire youth to study in Rome. This is no lie. If someone ever asked the purpose of this blog, that's the answer.
And a positive effect of this blog has been the addition of Catholic photos to the Internet world. This week marks the 2,000th post of this blog and that's a lot of Catholic-type photos!
This couldn't be done without the support of many - countless generous souls who have donated to the cause - and so I thank you all and carry your intentions ever in my heart! Oremus!
406 St. Peter St.
St. Paul, Minn. 55105

Thursday, September 25, 2008

September 26: St. Nilo in Grottaferrata...

Lots of tourists go go Frascati, just outside of Rome. That's where you go in the autumn for some enjoyable wine tasting.

Just near there is another little town in the shadow of the Colli Albani hills. This town is called Grottaferrata and it's a must if you have a strong interest in liturgy.

September 26 is the feast of St. Nilo, abbot and founder of the famous Greek rite monastero of Grottaferrata, just southeast of Rome. It's a two-day celebration and really a very special event.

The monks there are Italians, from the south, mostly from old Greek colonies. They are Catholic, but Greek rite, and sing a magnificent liturgy.

All of your intentions will be carried there today to the altar where you will be remembered in pious prayer.

Father, send us more vocations!

Teach your kids new words: the lost words...

Some things a person has to be taught.

Some things are not being taught anymore in large part because even the words to describe them have fallen into disuse. For example, do we ever hear the words "shame" or "honor" or "valor" anymore (except in old war movies)? Or even the word "chivalry"? I know I never heard these words while growing up in the eighties and nineties (even as a Scout). By God's grace, though, as an altar server I was instructed in what "irreverence" meant.

Resolved in our hearts we have to stand firm and teach our kids certain ideas which are described with certain words. Arrogance and reproach have become strong in many youth, but Catholic families are stronger and the kids have to be taught at home or not at all.

Two words we never hear anywhere are the words "blasphemies" and "sacrilige." We want to hear these words from the pulpit and from Christian parents. Start to use these words in your speech and counsel. Teach your kids what these words and their consequences mean.

Teach kids the idea of a "sacred space", too. Have them read aloud Ezekiel and they will understand that such a thing exists and where. And Catholic families, read together 1 and 2 Maccabees (the two most exciting books of the Old Testament) and your kids will learn.

The answer to all the problems in the Church and world is always the same: catechesis. Teach!

La prova: the Roman rite...

"How can anyone see this [the Latin rite] and not see that it is the truth?"
- Msgr. R. J. Schuler, PhD.

A Roma: un gran bel cane...

There's two dawgs in this photo. The ugly one and the cute one (with the Dumbo ears). The cute one attends Holy Mass in Rome according to the usus antiquior missal (so now there's no excuses for anyone else!).

Choicest of the baptized community: His brides...

Father, teach our modern girls Catholic womanhood. The sisters lead, may our girls follow.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The modern Catholic hero...

Know who this man was:
Count Andrei Roman Alexander Maria Sheptytsky

Read his story here:

With the (traditional) habit their faces shine...

So many new religious orders in the Church today and so many reasons for hope.
Sisters from this order can be seen most often in France, but also in Belgium and Germany, etc. And of course at every World Youth Day!
They are the most joyous sisters you will ever meet. Their order is French and they hail from all corners of the globe - they're the Society of St. John!

Italian clergy: grazie di esistere...

They will always redound to the honor of their Church and nation.

Faith of our fathers: the visuals as seen in Rome...

It goes without saying that the possession of our fathers was the Faith and now we each bequeath the same as our forefathers did...

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Hope: wonderful men of renown among us...

One gets to meet many great personages while in Rome; and it's always a privilege.
Meanwhile, two of the most glorious warriors you'll ever have the honor to meet are these two Catholic men: Msgr. Barreiro and the famous Fr. Z.
Great men, they are. Msgr. Barreiro has been a pioneer in Rome and world pro-life and pro-family ministry while the famous Fr. Z has been a pioneer in Rome and world Internet and technology ministry.
God reward them both.
There is much work to be done: youth, join their efforts!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Closing Mass: Rome Summorum Pontificum Conf...

Countless have asked for these photos and so here they are. It was a lovely Mass celebrated with great devotion. Great to see so many pious and devout faithful and clergy alike in the holy city of Rome!

Closing Mass: Rome Summorum Pontificum Conf...

Closing Mass: Rome Summorum Pontificum Conf...

Clerics from all over the world participated in the closing Mass of the conference. The famous Fr. Z can be seen as well as many other holy and distinguished others.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Missa Pontificalis pro Pio PP XII...

If you're on Facebook then be a member of the Peregrinatio Romana Internationalis pro Pio PP XII and be a part of the exciting Rome celebration this October!

Here's their latest:

"Die viii octobris adveniente, quod est feria quarta, hora octava (undecima ante meriediem), Emmus. ac Revmus. Cardinalis Castrillón, Pontificiae Commisionis Ecclesia Dei Praeses, missam pontificalem iuxta ritus romani formam extraordinariam in memoriam Pii PP XII celebravit Romae, sacello Paulino seu Burghesio Basilicae Liberianae

Next 8th October, at 11 am, His Eminence Cardinal Castrillón, President of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, will celebrate a Pontifical Mass in the Extraordinary form of the Roman Rite in memory of Pope Pius XII. This will take place in the Paulin Chapel (Borghese) of St Mary Major Basilica in Rome

Le 8 octobre prochain, à 11 heures, Son Eminence le Cardinal Castrillón, Président de la Comission Pontificale Ecclesia Dei, célebréra une messe pontificale selon la forme extraordinaire du rite romain en mémoire du Pape Pie XII dans la Chapelle Pauline (Borghese) de la Basilique Sainte Marie Majeure à Rome

L'8 ottobre p.v., alle o!re 11,l'Em.mo Sig. Cardinal Castrillón, Presidente della Pontificia Commisione Ecclesia Dei, celebrerà una messa pontificale in memoria di Papa Pio XII nella Capella Paolina (Borghese) della Basilica romana di S. Maria Maggiore

El próximo 8 de octubre, a las 11 horas, el Emmo. Sr. Cardenal Castrillón, Presdiente de la Pontificia comisión Ecclesia Dei, celebrará una misa pontifical en memoria del papa Pío XII en la Capilla Paulina o Borghese de la basílica de Santa María la Mayor en Roma"

The Roman sacristy...

Study in Rome...

Yesterday night I had dinner with the only layman enrolled at Rome's Augustinianum, located just across the street from St. Peter's Square.
If you like apologetics and you're good at Latin and Greek, then consider being a student here. Let's get more laymen into this effort to know the Latin and Greek Fathers, etc. See their site here: http://www.patristicum.org/ .

From the Vatican: the green biretta...

I guess everybody's Irish on St. Patty's Day?
Actually, a friend and I were in the Vatican City State and we saw these Spaniards dressed up in green! Their group name is "Corpus Christi" from Toledo, as this one mentioned.

The English sister on pilgrimage...

Lime green went out in the eighties (except in Eastern Europe).
But the sisters' religious habit is timeless. The ages pass, but that which is immemorial is lasting and acts as a witness to the nations.
Thank you, Sister!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Election year: American media bogus...

After two days of having had no Internet in Rome I logged on today for e-mail and the like and these were the "lead" stories:

Poll: Parents prefer Obama over McCain as child's teacher
Poll: Obama tops McCain as football-watching buddy

These are AP stories!?

Trick question: is there a difference between BS and journalism?

Note to those living in the USA: don't buy the New York Times.

Note to others living in Italy: don't waste your time reading the la Repubblica "supplemento" from the New York Times.

The famous Fr. Z and I interviewed...


Implementation of Tridentine ruling frustrates some
By John Thavis
Catholic News Service

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- A year after Pope Benedict XVI opened the way to wider use of the Tridentine Mass, implementation of the papal directive is drawing mixed reviews from its target audience.

Catholic traditionalists remain grateful for the pope's document and say it has given them a certain legitimacy in local church communities, as well as greater practical access to the old rite.

But some -- backed by a Vatican official -- have complained that bishops and pastors continue to place obstacles in the way of groups seeking the Tridentine liturgy.

On a long-term issue, traditionalists are pleased at new efforts to instruct priests in celebrating Mass in the older rite. Meanwhile, those who envisioned Tridentine Masses popping up in every parish are somewhat frustrated.

"We're only looking at one calendar year, and we know that in the church these things take time. But the problem -- dare anyone say this? -- the problem is the bishops. Because you have bishops who aren't on board," said John Paul Sonnen, an American Catholic who lives in Rome.

Sonnen and about 150 others attended a small but significant conference in Rome in mid-September on the theme: "'Summorum Pontificum': One Year After."

"Summorum Pontificum" was the title of the pope's 2007 apostolic letter that said Mass celebrated according to the 1962 Roman Missal, commonly known as the Tridentine rite, should be made available in every parish where groups of the faithful desire it. In his letter, the pope said the Mass from the Roman Missal in use since 1970 remains the ordinary form of the Mass, while celebration of the Tridentine Mass is the extraordinary form.

The response to the papal letter varied around the world. In the United States, many bishops -- even those not enthusiastic about the new policy -- took steps to explain it to their faithful and put it into practice.

But in Europe and Latin America, conference participants said, there's been less favorable reaction."In Italy, with just a few admirable exceptions, the bishops have put obstacles in the way of applying ('Summorum Pontificum')," Msgr. Camille Perl told the Rome conference.

"I would have to say the same thing about the major superiors of religious orders who forbid their priests from celebrating Mass in the old rite," Msgr. Perl said.

Msgr. Perl is vice president of the Pontifical Commission "Ecclesia Dei," which oversees implementation of the papal document, so his words carried weight. Italian newspapers reported his comments under the headline "The bishops are boycotting the pope."

Two Brazilian priests attending the conference complained that they're facing a similar situation in their country."I think there's a great desire on the part of young priests to learn the older rite. But we don't study it in seminaries, and the bishops don't cooperate on that," said Father Giuseppe Olivera of Sao Paolo.

Msgr. Perl said letters received by his commission indicate considerable interest in setting up local Tridentine Masses in France, Great Britain, Canada, the United States and Australia. He said there have been fewer requests for the older Mass in Latin America, Africa and Asia.

Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos, who heads the "Ecclesia Dei" commission, said recently that Pope Benedict would eventually like to see the Tridentine rite offered in every parish. But for now, in the pope's own Diocese of Rome, a single church, Santissima Trinita dei Pellegrini, has been designated as a "personal parish" for traditionalists. That's a solution that appeals to some dioceses, especially those that include large cities, but it tends to separate traditionalists from other local parishes. It also seems to put bishops in charge of the decision of where and when a Tridentine Mass is offered, instead of the local pastor, as indicated by "Summorum Pontificum."

Father Joseph Kramer, pastor at Rome's Santissima Trinita church, said that so far his parish is attracting a lot of younger people and those over 50, but not many in between and few young families.

In general, he said, it's important for traditionalist Catholics to make it clear that they accept the changes of the Second Vatican Council, in order not to frighten off "normal" Catholics who might be attracted to the older rite.

U.S. Father John Zuhlsdorf runs a blog -- "What Does the Prayer Really Say?" -- that's become a sounding board for reaction to "Summorum Pontificum" among traditionalist Catholics.

One recent comment on the blog began: "Frankly, I'm sick and tired. Tired of waiting. 'Summorum Pontificum' has been in force for one year now and, in spite of the fact that I live in a huge metropolitan area, there is no TLM (traditional Latin Mass) to which I can go" without driving at least an hour.

Father Zuhlsdorf, who attended the Rome conference, said he understands some of these frustrations but takes a generally positive view of the first year of "Summorum Pontificum.

"One good thing, he said, is that the papal directive has deeply affected priests, especially younger priests, and their perception of "who they are at the altar." As time goes on and older priests and bishops retire, this interest will have a ripple effect on parish life, he said.

Another plus is that resources for the older rite, including beautifully bound missals, are being produced and published. These could appeal to Catholics and "help change the culture of participating at Mass," Father Zuhlsdorf said.

In addition, he said, some U.S. seminaries are beginning to introduce courses in celebrating the Tridentine rite. Private training programs for priests, workshops and Web sites also have been established.

He compared it to the Ford Motor Co. putting a new model into production."It takes a long time to construct the assembly plant, but once you get the thing built you can get the product out more quickly," he said.

In the more-to-be-done category, Father Zuhlsdorf said there are still some priests and bishops who have "a bit of a stingy attitude" about the legitimate requests of traditionalists.

He said Latin proficiency is an example of where a double standard seems to be used to create an obstacle to the wider offering of the older Mass. While it's true that a priest celebrating in Latin has to know what he's saying at the altar, he said, one could also ask about proficiency in English among priests coming from a foreign country to serve in the United States.

In any case, he said, the Code of Canon Law requires that all seminarians be well-trained in Latin. If that isn't being done today, seminary officials should be addressing the problem, he said.

FYI: Sung Pontifical Mass October 8 in Rome...

Always good news coming from the wonderful SODALITIVM INTERNATIONALE PASTOR ANGELICVS (SIPA): http://sipastorangelicvs.blogspot.com/.

SIPA has just announced that Solemn Pontifical High Mass according to the 1962 Missale Romanum will be sung by His Eminence Darío Card. Castrillón Hoyos in the Borghese Chapel of the Patriarchal Basilica of Saint Mary Major this coming October 8 at eleven o'clock. This Mass is being celebrated to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the passing of the Servant of God Pius XII, of blessed and happy memory.

The Mass will be hosted by SIPA with the liturgical assistance of the F.S.S.P. in Urbe. All are welcome. Please plan to come early. Invitations have gone out and it's expected that members of the Pacelli family as well as other former friends, nobles and prelates will be present that were dear to the heart of Pius XII.

Special thanks to Mr. Rodolfo Vargas Rubio for his outstanding leadership in his capacity as the founding president of SIPA.

Summorum Pontificum Rome Conf: great success!

Bereavement over: our patrimony lives...

Orbis Unus Orans: as our kinsmen prayed...

Italians and others on liturgy: some great reads...

We have to get more stuff in English on liturgy and we need it now. We need to be a deeply liturgical people as our kinsfolk were in the old days (we, too, can depend on the uncounted liturgical life that helped to keep our families Catholic through the Reformation).

Sept. 17th in Rome: Feast of Robert Bellarmino...

At San Ignazio in Rome one can see his corpse as seen here at a side altar. Learn Latin if for no other reason than to read him!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Summorum Pontificum: the surprise gift for all...

What ever happened to Patrick J. Buchanan?

Saw him the last couple of years in Washington, D.C. after Sunday Mass at Old St. Mary's. He attends Holy Mass according to the usus antiquior missal.

He's still a political commentator and see his latest here:

Monday, September 15, 2008

Immemorial: Catholic culture...

Rome resort town of Santa Marinella...

Here's where radar was invented in 1937 at the old Torre Chiaruccia: http://www.qsl.net/ik0xcc/marconi/gm_chiaruccia2.htm
The old sixteenth century tower, built to spot Islamic pirates, was blown up by the Nazis in February of 1944 (as in Ladispoli, too). All that's left is the foundation and even now the more modern tower you see here in the middle has been abandoned.

Rome resort town of Santa Marinella...

A lot of this has already been lost to history, but I'm told this is the old Petacci summer villa.
Clara, the daughter, had been the mistress of Mussolini (and was later killed with him and so was her brother around that same time). Her father Francesco had been the personal physician to Pius XI.
It's not widely believed, but for years Italian press has reported that her father likely killed Pius XI in 1939 (Eugenio Card. Tisserant belived this as he wrote in his diary). This is why Pius XII wouldn't let a doctor touch him.
"...Twenty-four hours before delivering this address, the Pope [Pius XI] was given an injection by Dr. Francesco Petacci, who worked as the medical practitioner for the Vatican, and whose daughter Clara Petacci was the long-term mistress of the fascist dictator Benito Mussolini. As a result of the injection, the Pope supposedly died hours before delivering his historic attack on Mussolini and European fascism."
Also, the personal physician of John XXIII, Pietro Valdoni, had a summer villa nearby.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Rome resort town of Santa Marinella...

In August Romans go to either the mountains in the north or the sea. But each Roman has their favorite beach. For most it's the Lido di Ostia which is near, cheap and convenient. For others it's Fregene or Anzio or Nettuno. But for the rest of us turismo nautico nella Provincia di Roma will always be La Marinella (named after St. Marina)!

Rome resort town of Santa Marinella...

They used to call it "La Perla del Tirreno" (the pearl of the Tyrrhenian) and some of us still call it that!