Wednesday, August 26, 2009

St. Peter's Basilica: back in the good old days...

The splendor of the old papal rites of the Cappella Papale.
Too much of this was done away with. Too much too quickly. Now it's time to bring some of it back.


Florestan said...

Not that I'm complaining, JP, but have you absorbed the person formerly known as "Leo" at The Far Sight 2.0? If not, where is he?

RipK said...

John, this is a magnificent photo that you published. Does it happen to know who was the presiding Pope? I suspect it is John XXIII.
Unfortunately, this great altar so close to so many popes was destroyed (!!!) during the early years of John Paul II's pontificate. A criminal act.
Rip K.

Anonymous said...

Some of it? Try all of it. That it was originally done away with in the first place was a crime, plain and simple. I'd rather not see the resurgence of triumphalism and out liturgical patronage permanantly diluted.