In white can be seen the mitred corpse of St. Ambrose.
This past June while in Milan it was a great honor to pray before the remiains of this holy saint with a fellow North American, the great Shawn Tribe, Catholic journalist of NLM fame (
Shawn, thanks for the help with the blog and the icon and link on the left!
Is the actual, real remains of St. Ambrose? Awesome. It gives me chills (not in a bad way) but in a awestruck way, to view the remains of one of the Catholic Church's first really major saints and doctors of the Church...the man who was one of the first Archbishops of Milan, the man who baptised the great St. Augustine.
Who is the other body? I'm sure it's not St. Augustine.
Who's that laid to rest beside him?
The other body would be either St. Gervasius or St. Protasius.
Why would St. Gervasius or St. Protasius be buried with Saint Ambrose?
Sts. Gervasius and Protasius were patron saints of Milan and martyrs contemporary with Saint Ambrose.
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