Tuesday, July 08, 2008

In Rome's July heat: the Spouse of Christ...

The world tells us that the peroxide is the beauty, but the rest of us know better (and we had darn better teach our kids as well, too).

Dads, teach your daughters how to be Christian women. The most important thing that a father can do for his children is to love their mother. Dads, love your wives. Support them in their Christian womanhood and together teach your children, both male and female, about the Christian protocol of dress. Then, we will get lots more nuns and everybody will be a lot happier. This must in large part come from dads! Holy Writ as well as the Church both look to you to step up to the plate. Protect the purity of your homes and so bring peace to your nest.


Anonymous said...

HOw awesome to see real nuns still in Rome.
I hope there are a lot more in the Eternal City.

JWY said...

Is this a real photo? How did you manage to capture it?

Anonymous said...

Which Order is this? The cross is odd.

John Paul Sonnen said...

This nun can be seen often crossing St. Peter's Square. They walked by so the photo was just quickly taken. I'm not sure the order of the sister.

Anonymous said...

That's a distinctive Franciscan style cross called a "Tau" cross from the Greek alphabet. Usually this shape, and in wood.

There are over 100 Franciscan congregations of sisters just in Italy. Some of which modified their habit sadly. Tragically others discarded it all together. Both groups have suffered huge declines, especially the later.

But a third small group of nuns and sisters have kept the traditional habits of each Order, and have modified very little since Vatican II, some not at all.
They are at least stable, and some are really growing, even in Italy.

Nuns which maintain the habit like this have many vocations. The modified and habitless nuns are dying Orders. They could take a lesson from the traditional habited sisters and return to the real habits as worn 50-60 years ago.