Just yesterday, through the imposition of hands and the calling of the Holy Ghost, Fr. William was ordained priest at the FSSP European seminary in Bavaria, Germany.
If you ever get the chance be sure to attend the rite of ordination according to the Usus Antiquior of the Roman Missal. The ceremony is one of the most lovely experiences you will ever witness in your life.
It was a lovely day: great to see the Church universal. Lots of young families with kids, faithful of all ages, seminarians and clergy alike from all over the world. A little rain. A Bavarian bbq just days before, a lovely reception after. A 3.5 hour ceremony and a bishop from Kazakhstan!
The Faith lives and if you feel this might be your call, talk it over with your confessor and get a spiritual director now. Begin to attend Holy Mass daily and begin the practice of mental prayer.
Thank you for covering the FSSP ordinations! I have been thinking of them, praying for these new priests. Thank you!
ecept that ordinations are invalid and were forbade by the Holy See.
Finally a real roman collar not this stupid micro-collar!
"ecept that ordinations are invalid and were forbade by the Holy See." Sorry Mister or Sister... You got the wrong group of people! They are licit, valid, desired by, not only the Holy See but also the Holy Spirit! not to mention the Father and the Son! Not to worry my friend! This was a kosher ordination! don Jeffry
The ordinations were valid, but illicit and gravely sinful.
To Anonymous: Invalid?? Forbidden by the Holy See?
I know that the letters FSSP and SSPX look similar, but the two orders are not the same. The FSSP is within the Church.These young priests are from the FSSP, the Fraternity of St Peter. Where Peter is, that's where the Church is.
could anybody diffrentiate the old rite of ordination Pope Pius XII and Paul VI. Just a matter if interest.
Fr. Roberto
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