Saturday, February 07, 2009

Be informed: know the enemy...

When St. Maximilian Kolbe was a student in Rome the Masons would plaster Rome with such posters and then march on the Vatican. This inspired him to form the Militia Immaculata. Today it's anarchist kids and college professors full of rage. They even bus them in from all over Italy when they have such rallies (from big university towns such as Pisa, Bologna, etc.).


Der Herr Alipius said...

Properly speaking they are not as much our enemies as the ones who need our prayers most. Most of the kids marching in these "No Vat" manifestations are tools that aren't able to see or hear or understand the truth because some ideologist with an agenda is standing right next to them, turning uninformed biased prejudices into screams of hatred.

My suggestion: Anybody who can spare the time should stand at the side of the road when the manifestation passes, visibly praying the rosary (Clerics: Don't forget you collars!). Go in groups, if you don't want to face the mob all on your own. But don't engage. Just pray.

Unknown said...

Just a little adjustment,

In lingua mater it is Militia Immaculatae.

Gaude Maria virgo, cunctas haereses sola interemisti in universo mundo.

Let us commend these poor souls to the Immaculate:
O Maria sine labe originali concepta, o.p.n.

-Frater Antonius M., OFM Conv.