Saturday, May 16, 2009

What is wrong with this picture?

Sixties jubilance, kiddies? Yes, another palsied altar. You might laugh, but this helter-skelter altar - in this position - is an actual set-up in a prominent Rome church.

Catholics have been rankled in recent years by so much dumbness in the Church. Meanwhile, the imponderables continue (and the uneducated laity are still expected to put up with it). Why such a galling image you ask? What pastor gave the go-ahead for such an odd drawback?

Capitalizing on the sixties, and yes, capitalizing on dumbness remains in vogue. And notice the already perfectly good (consecrated, stone) altar behind this concoction?

'Nuff said.


Anonymous said...

JP, Quo Vadis is under Polish priests. They had this ruse here for years. Just beat it with a cudgel.

José Antonio de Valle said...

Opera Omnia Fr. Basilio Méramo Chaljub

Anonymous said...

What is wrong is that all these examples you give are in Rome or its environs and the Bishop of Rome who is directly responsible doesn't seem to think there is a problem. It would just take his signature.

Anonymous said...

The teeter-totter altar is a symbol of the disquietude in priests.

aaron said...

Note To Pastor: Stone altar EXCELS wood altar.

Anonymous said...

Where do you start? Talk about not being able to move around freely. Sad that this was sone in the first place as it is only a matter of time before it is undone. Who could think this arrangement would last for centuries in the way older sancuaries were arranged.THis looks like the usual "it goes with the times" type arrangement, so fleeting....

sekman said...

I was there this last march this church disturbed me more than any other with the most distasteful and disgusting table of an altar. The ridiculous lengths that people go to to provide versus poplum worship, it is most disappointing.