Teach your kids what abito scuro and abito piano mean. These things didn't used to be printed on tickets because people in the old days had educated class (maturity) and followed these rules of etiquette.
However, even in the old days they used to always print for the ladies: "Signore: abito rigorosamente accollato e velo" (Ladies: strictly high-necked dress and veil).
Abito scuro means to dress in black while abito piano means to wear your habit/cassock if you are clergy.
Why black? Black is timeless, always in style, elegant, cheap, always available, doesn't show dirt and is seen in every part of the world as being civic/presidential/religious/professional.
Every Catholic adult male is to have a black suit and every Catholic adult female is to have a black dress. My black suit I've had for over ten years and it's still going strong.
Unless, of course, you are a reigning Catholic queen.
Even we OP's cover our WHITE for special ocassions with the Black Cappa! We feel very dressed up!
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