Sunday, July 26, 2009

From the shadow of a street: the public witness...

Love of Sweet Jesus precedes any fruitful service in His name. Such is the lesson that Christ inculcates through such angels as this who have quit the world and so gained a world.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What is the name of this wonderful Order? This nuns is not TOO old, so I would like to assume that it's not just her clinging to the real habit, but her entire community which still dresses like true Catholic nuns (and not the little veil and modified short habit to the knee, which looks ridiculous, or yhe all too common street clothes nun ).

Living in Rome, street clothes nuns and slovenly dress priests are probably still all to prevalent, but did you actually know that these mostly elderly people are starting to carry along with them a bad reputation? More and more, I've read that young Catholics (especially traditional) have an almost contempt for these peope and these Orders in that they represent a failed 1960's model of "Church" that young Catholics of today despise.