Peregrinatio hac scopum habet honorandi augustam memoriam Pii PP XII, cuius obitus commemorabitur 9 octobris adveniente quinquaginta annis transactis. Devoti huius Romani Pontifici omnes cordialiter convocati sunt ut adunentur Romae ad participandum in omnibus praevisis actibus. Ii quibus eventus hoc interesse potuerit id notum faciant Sodalitio Internationali Pastor Angelicus ad ulteriores habendas relationes.
This International Roman Pilgrimage has the purpose of honouring the holy memory of Pope Pius XII on the 50th Anniversary of his death, on the forthcoming 9th of October. All his devotees are cordially convoked to meet in Rome to participate in the several ceremonies that have been organized. Those who may be interested in taking part in this event, please contact the Solatium Internationale Pastor Angelicus for further information.
Facebook has a My Events page for this: Peregrinatio Romana Internationalis pro Pio PP XII
Conventus in Sanctae Sedis Aula Diurnariis edocendis adunatus ad nuntiandos inceptos pro commemoratione Quinquagesimi anni a Pio PP XII obitu: - Press Conference held in the Holy See Press Office to announce initiatives for commemorating the Fiftieth Anniversary of Pope Pius XII’s death: - ConfĂ©rence de Press
In spirit I will accompany these events.
JP, are you going to be there?
Yes, I will be there...
I wish I could be there. It's wonderful that the Vatican and the Church is honoring the memory of so great a Pope.
I remember not too long ago when just the name "Pius XII", was something/someone to be highly ashamed/embarassed about according to progressive Catholics. Not only for his "supposed" inaction to help Jews during WW II, but also for the style of his Papacy and the visual aspect of the Masses he celebrated.
I think with Pope Benedict XVI and a generation of younger priests, we are now more in a position to celebrate, applaude, and defend vigorously the life and work of this great Pope.
And before too long, I think we will also be able to witness his beatification and canonization officially as a Saint of the Church.
Something all of us already know that he is.
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