Save this photo and tell your kids about it. This is no ordinary choir loft: this balustrade was obtained from the stern of the Papal galley, Saint Peter, which had been the flag ship of the Christian fleet that in 1571 defeated the Turkish navy at the famed battle of Lepanto.
This choir loft is located inside the Church of Santa Maria dell'Orazione (Saint Mary of Prayer) in the port of Rome, Civitavecchia. This church is only open Sunday mornings for Holy Mass. The church was constructed between 1693 - 1702 and today it's the oldest church in the city. It's small, one of my most favorite in all of Italy, and would make an ideal usus antiquior parish - I repeat, ideal for this purpose.
This church is locked all week and just has one "Childrens' Mass" each Sunday morning. If you're a priest who feels you might be called to learn Italian and join an Italian Diocese, then consider Civitavecchia with its new bishop and consider asking for this parish. It would be the ideal for the Classical rite and only 70 km from Rome. It has both interior and exterior charm, is just a three minute walk to the Cathedral, the Curia and the beach (there are three other parishes within just a two/three minute walk from it).
Wow! That is impressive!
Do you have any more photographs of the interior? I'm trying to get a feel for the place.
Last year when I was in there I got barked at for taking a photo. I went back this year and got just this one as they don't allow interior photos. There is an elderly lady who is the porter/sacristan who watches and makes sure nobody takes any photos or steals anything.
It's a majestic structure inside and out. It is surmounted by a dome which is circular outside and elliptical inside. The plan is a Greek cross. It's small, but ideal and would be a great FSSP or ICK parish, etc.
Well, it sounds fantastic!
Yes, I was thinking FSSP myself! :)
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