Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Pio XII: Santo Subito!

Here is the Rome font where the little Roman born baby, Eugenio Pacelli, received the Sacrament of Holy Baptism. The font is now located at the Carmelite parish of St. Pancrazio, in Rome.


PeterHWright said...

I don't know about "santa subito", although I totally agree with the sentiment. But I think we can expect the title "beatus" soon.

Anonymous said...

Yes indeed!!! Santo Subito!!!

If you've ever seen pictures of ceremonies during his magnificent reign, or films (as I have), you can see the pure holiness in the man Pius XII. He was indeed the "Angelic Shepherd".
JP II might have traveled the world and brought out crowds there, but at the Vatican ...no one can ever beat the magnificent Holy Masses, the pomp and pagentry or the massive crowds that cam to see Pius XII in Piazza San Pietro.
One Canonization by Pius XII in 1954 (Pius X Canonization), brought out 500,000+ to the Vatican...unequaled by any pope since...even the "legendary" JP II.