Monday, March 10, 2008

Yet to be Pope: the newly ordained Pacelli...

The Chiesa Nuova in Rome was the first parish assignment of Fr. Eugenio Pacelli. Here's a nice plaque they have there in honor of his time there.

Can somebody take the time to translate this?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here's my bash at it:

"To the Supreme Pontiff Pius XII,
Who piously and joyfuylly spent his childhood years in this Church of St Philip, and having been ordained a priest, performed his sacred ministries here with great benefits for the faithful, and who graciously founded the Vallicellianum (?) College for the instruction of pupils in the ecclesiastical disciplines,
The Fathers and Secular Members of the Roman Oratory erected this monument in a spirit of eternal gratitude,in the 25th year of his episcopacy, wishing him every happiness. 18 December AD 1942."