Friday, March 07, 2008

The good, bad and ugly...

We've all heard countless laymen complain for years: "Gosh, where did we get all these rotten bishops from anyways?" Some blame Paul VI, or John Paul II, the sixties or Vatican Council II.
But then some blame this prelate, now almost 100 years old. Meet Archbishop Jean Jadot, born in 1908. The modernist darling Hans Küng once wrote this of him: "As you know there is a whole generation of 'Jadot-bishops' in the States who belong to the best. I wish that the Catholic Church in the United States may again receive apostolic delegates and bishops of the quality of Jean Jadot."


Anonymous said...

I used to see the apostolic delegate quite a bit when I was in DC during the '70's - 80's.It was also during his tenure that two friends of mine were elevated to the episcopate. I was always curious as to why he never received his red hat after his stint in the US. I guess he wasn't JP II's idea of what a cardinal should be.

John Paul Sonnen said...

Wierd looking creature.

John Paul Sonnen said...

Actually, I guess I should be praying for him. I've been thinking lots about him and there's still time to pray before his passing.

Anonymous said...


What are your thoughts on Vatican II?


John Paul Sonnen said...

There have been twenty-one ecumenical councils and each has been a gift from the Holy Spirit.