Monday, March 03, 2008

From Rome: Norbertines Sing Mass...

Hats off to the glorious white biretta...and to the spiritual "renewal" in which we now see thanks in large part to Summorum Pontificum of 07.07.07, luckiest day the century!
Last Sunday the F.S.S.P. at their Rome chapel of San Gregorio dei Muratori ( hosted the O. Praem. (Norbertines) and the Sunday before that they hosted the C.O. (Oratorians) and two Sundays before that they hosted the famous Fr. "Z" (
Whose next? I hear a B-16 flying fortress...


Anonymous said...

Do you know who ordains the Norbertines who study in Rome?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous: they are usually ordained back in the United States (in southern California, where St. Michael's Abbey is located) by one of the auxiliaries of the diocese of Orange or another prelate specially invited for the ceremony. In the past, some of the priests from the abbey were ordained by the Holy Father.