Wednesday, February 28, 2007

The sanctuary: holy of holies...

“Priests alone, sir, are allowed to remain within the sanctuary. Depart, therefore, and stand with the rest of the laity. The purple makes princes, not priests.”

Sozomen: Ecclesiastical History, 7, 25.
(Famous words attributed to St. Ambrose when the emperor Theodosius entered the sanctuary to receive Communion) (4th cent.)


Anonymous said...

can you tell me who this Eastern Cleric was ?

Sprezzatura said...

I too, fail to understand the relevance of the quote to the picture.

John Paul Sonnen said...

the cleric in the photo is catholic (greek rite). as far as i know he is the rector of the greek rite college in rome.

the quote has to do with the idea that only clergy can enter the sanctuary of the temple (versus the scrambled frenzy of everybody running around our sanctuaries as seen stateside).