weigel had written two outstanding books that were just translated into italian and so this was the press conference at the office of the publisher to release the two books in italian. sandro magister was sharing his thoughts on the books: the cathedral and the cube and benedict xvi.
I'm a graduate student and tour operator living in Rome, Italy. Life is good. Studium Urbis! P.S. To know history is to be Catholic. P.P.S. Schedule your tour with us while in Rome.
J.P. Sonnen is an author, history docent, educator and travel writer. His graduate degrees are from the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum) in Rome, Italy.
So, what did he talk about? Dr. Weigel is listening intently and Signor Magister is gesturing to emphasize a point. We're all curiousity.
weigel had written two outstanding books that were just translated into italian and so this was the press conference at the office of the publisher to release the two books in italian. sandro magister was sharing his thoughts on the books: the cathedral and the cube and benedict xvi.
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