Thursday, November 13, 2008

Vatican protocol: even today...

What ensued with the sixties was the death of a lot of things Catholic. But there's hope and here's an example from the Vatican City State.
And isn't she beautiful? Would be nice to have her as a wife or daughter or sister or girlfriend. For an audience with the Pope she wears (1) a dress, (2) is covered (3) is veiled and the black is so timeless, elegant and always in style.
Lord, that I might be so lucky!


Anonymous said...

Lucky to be dressed like that or have a "wife" or 'sister" dressed like that?

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean about hoping to find a wonderful Catholic girl/woman. Some years ago before I was lucky enough to meet my Italian Catholic wife, my friends were aghast at the thought I expressed in no uncertain terms that I would not marry outside my Faith.

Anonymous said...

Good gravy man! Next time you see her, if she is not wearing a ring, ask for her phone number and offer to meet her sometime for Mass!

If she IS wearing a wedding ring... ask her if she has a sister!

Anonymous said...

I can assure you men, that it is not easy for a woman that likes to dress up, in a dress and veil, when going to mass, to find a man that likes ithat she does it. Or sees the reason for it. I am one of those young, traditional women who does it, and I am rather looked at as old fasioned and boreing. It makes you lose the will of dressing like it, if you are not taught why. So instead of just teaching the girls/women how to dress for church, also teach the boys/men to apreaciate it as a good an deasent thing to do. And, speacking of dressing well- what about all the men, that turns up in jeans and t-shirts? Or worse, t-shirts and bermuda shorts?!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous, meet JP... JP, meet anonymous.

Maybe this is a match!

John Paul Sonnen said...

The good news is that all Catholic singles can now meet easily at and that's the new place to begin to build many contless Christian marriages.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm... I am not looking for one, but if time goes by and I suddenly want one, i will take a look at that page.

Anonymous said...

Miss Anonymous makes a good point about men and dressing for Mass. Although I am married, so the underlying intent of her comments do not necessarily apply to me, still I make a point of wear a jacket and tie for Mass, except on the hottest summer days. I love to see young ladies at Mass dressed nicely, and hope that some men would have enough brains, style and courage to tell such woman/ladies/girls that they really look nice and that they appreciate them. And if things go well at coffee hour, ask them to dinner. Anonymous, would that work for you if a guy asked you out after Masss? Yes, a hypothetical question.

Anonymous said...

Joe Frances

I might do. But I am maybe a bit shallow, since I would prefer a man who i knew went to mass regulary and showed that he lived his belives out in his daily life.

We have a rather small congergation (in Norway everything is small sized compared to other countries)and I would probably know him some already.

When we speak about dressing- I was mistaken for a nun, by a newcomber last friday, and today a woman from my congregation said "you look like a priest!", so i might overdo the "proper dressing" a bit ;)

Miss Anonymous