Friday, December 15, 2006

Istituto Acton in Rome...

To commemorate the 15th Anniversary of John Paul II’s groundbreaking social encyclical, Centesimus Annus, the Acton Institute ( is sponsoring a range of events and programs to encourage a deeper understanding of the moral and economic foundations of a free and virtuous society, to further research and discussion of Catholic Social Teaching, and to promote an ethical analysis of the global market economy from different disciplines.

Thus the lecture hosted by the Acton Institute at Rome's Pontifical Gregorian University on the evening of December 12. The title of the lecture was: Centesimus Annus e Deus Caritas Est: Carita Cristiana e Libero Mercato. Three seperate speakers each delivered a lecture and now we wait in anticipation for the next event in this series.

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