Here I am in my twenty-sixth year in my "tropical" cassock. By God's grace, I've donned the Roman cassock and surplice since I've been a kid. It is a becoming dress, a Roman dress. The altar boy, staring at Our Veiled Lord in the tabernacle, is Christ's "page" at the altar, where even angels falter. To touch the throne most holy, to serve at the word of a priest....this is vocation.
The altar boy is to be the Miles Christi Iesu (soldier of Jesus Christ). He is to be the indefatigable servant of the parish church. If I have any advice for an altar boy, it is to read Luke I "Et TU, PUER, propheta altissimi vocaberis: praebis enim ante faciem Domini ad parandas vias eius..." (...and YOU, BOY, shalt be called the prophet of the most high and you will go before the Lord to prepare His way...)
Ite ad Mariam!
Ite ad Joseph!
Labor pro Fide!
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