Only in this epoch, some persons have vilified the idea of a Mass being celebrated in this manner. With the liturgical heritage of the West which dates before circa A.D. 1970, they have a grudge. With negative energy they might say of this photo: "Oh, the priest has his back to the people!" But, the Church replies: "The priest (and people) all face together the Anointed One veiled in the holy tabernacle fixed to the altar of sacrifice." Why turn your back to God, right? They reply: "Well, you just have to be able see the priest." The Church can reply, "Well, we do see the priest, just without the hyper-emphasis that is put on his person when we have him watching us all the time." Personally, I like that the cleric reading the Mass in the photo is anonymous. That way, there isn't the hyper-emphasis on him, but just on all of us through baptism crawling to the altar of redemption in His temple.
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