Saturday, May 20, 2006

Less and less Italians...

Abortion is just an easier murder because it's impersonal. Let's get the word out and be informed. Has everyone seen: I love Italy so much that I want more of it...but where are the bambini Italiani (Italian babies)? Killed, many of them, is the reply of Human Life International. With their 140,000 plus abortions every year, they are killing their future homeland (as we are back stateside, too, but don't hear about it because of the immigration cure to it). Also, as many already know, Italy, along with Spain, now has the lowest birthrate in all of Europe. Each Italian couple has their comfortabe filia unica or figlio unico (only child). Italian couples are having only 1.2 children per couple (= below replacement rate).

If there wasen't a dollar to be made, would there be an abortion industry? Thanks in large part to corporate America, abortion on demand is just business as usual everywhere in the world now.

In Spain during the 1930s, German planes had shocked the world by bombing and machine-gunning civilians going to market in the historic Basque town of Guernica. Picaso later immortalized the slaughter, but at the time no western power had stepped in. How is abortion different? Well, it's the same, just a more impersonal act of murder. So, the abortion industry has a clause exempting itself because they are "helping women." Uncivilized and inhuman acts of criminal barbarity never go unpunished in this world. The attack of the abortion warlords on human decency will not last forever. Does everyone know that Soviet Russia was the first nation in the modern world to make abortion legal?

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