Friday, January 09, 2009

Usus Antiquior: from the Vatican Basilica...

We know that faith cometh by hearing (Rom. 10.17) and in the rites we hear as they bear witness...and we see.


Anonymous said...

Nice effort, WRONG POSTURE.


Anonymous said...

I thoroughly enjoy your site and check it every day - thanks!

I'm confused by the term Usus Antiquior. Doesn't that mean our traditional Gregorian rite? I'm wondering why the priest is offering the Holy Mass facing the people, at a free-standing table like a novus ordo Mass?

Peter said...

Not ad orientem?

Anonymous said...

this is the roman tradition i.e. altar of st. peter's! or mary major! or john lateran! or san lorenzo! or san sebastiano! catacombes! or st. paul's! ad infinitum!

Anonymous said...

So obsessed with the priest facing the people!. Glad I'm looking into Orthodoxy.

Mitch said...

Anonymous #1 don't sneer, the versus populum posture is possible in the Usus Antiquior, and not always wrong, if the altar set up does not work for ad orientem then you should not force it. In the catacombs there are only 2 altars that are not against the wall, so most Masses in San Pietro whether usus antiquior or usus recentior are ad orientem.

Anonymous said...

Actually it is only the "Roman Tradition" at the Papal Altars in the Major Basilicas. The celebrant in this case obviously faced the image of the Virgin when saying mass once upon a time.

Anonymous said...

Some say ignorance is bliss. Others say ignorance is stupidity. I'm with the latter.

Mass is celebrated facing East, basta.

And no, the line about only at papal altars at major basilicas is either a lie or an easy mistake (and rather Anglo at that).

Anonymous said...

"Some say ignorance is bliss. Others say ignorance is stupidity. I'm with the latter.

Mass is celebrated facing East, basta.

And no, the line about only at papal altars at major basilicas is either a lie or an easy mistake (and rather Anglo at that)."

Dear Anonymous,

You're correct. And everyone else is wrong. Most especially those who say there's nothing wrong with the Tridentine Latin Mass on cheap "Vatican II" altars facing the people. UGH !!

Anonymous said...

It is correct that Mass is read in this manner - over the consecrated altar stone with relics.

Anonymous said...

"And no, the line about only at papal altars at major basilicas is either a lie or an easy mistake (and rather Anglo at that)."

Unless everyone who is not "Anglo" is blind, the vast majority of altars in Rome have the priest NOT facing the people. Of course card tables were placed in many sanctuaries. Visit Rome it's beautiful -- and I know of one excellent guide!

Anonymous said...

Dear people, I assure you that saying Holy Mass as I did was 100% correct. I prefer saying Mass ad orientem and although I was facing the altar as if it were a Novus Ordo Mass, the Crucifix of Our Lord did indeed make the Mass an ad Orientem Mass. The Sacristan was doing me a favor by sending me down to the crypt of Peter. Cardinal Foley was in the next chapel celebrating with fellow priests and seminarians. The personnel at St. Peter's are not used to Usus Antiquior Masses. Time is limited. They check schedules, they calculate the time it takes to celebrate a Mass (antiquior longer but they don't even know the difference). They are like ushers that couldn't tell you the difference if you asked them. So, a priest is sometimes assigned an alter, as it was in this case and he goes to the altar and says Mass. One does not take it upon oneself to start rearranging a chapel in the Vatican, especially if saying the Mass the way I did was PERFECTLY correct. So, you who are unhappy with what you saw in the picture, please become Catholic and learn more about liturgy and not throw insults into the air so carelessly. "It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak up and remove all doubt!" Saying things like "wrong posture" is a judgement on a priest's ability and his attitude. Ask John Sonnen what my attitude is to the Gregorian Rite and what I have done to preserve this rite. Thanks and God's peace. don Jeffry Also, have courage to own your criticisms... sign them!