New Years Eve Anno Domini MMVI was spent in the Vatican Basilica for Vespers and sung Te Deum with the Pope (those who on the last day of the year assist at the singing of this Ambrosian hymn in a church, in order to give thanks to God for the blessings received from Him during the whole year, are granted a plenary indulgence under the usual conditions)!
It was myself and four sons of the Commonwealth: two from the Dominion of Canada and two from the Commonwealth of Australia (two from the Seminarium Internationale S. Petri). Amazing to think how they all live under a single sovereign power: a Christian Monarch, Her Majesty the Queen (a deliciously wicked Anglican who has never worked a day in her life). But then again, at least the sun never sets on the British Empire while Mr. Guy Lombaro lives with his Auld Lang Syne!
Mr Kwok and Mr Tomas! :)
Well, there you go!
Ah, you only assume there is no work to be done, my friend, but there is.
One must keep up with appearances.
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