If you are a high school student or other, consider moving to Rome to study at this Dominican University for your Bachelor of Arts degree.
The good news is that if it's God's will for you to study here for your baccalaureate degree in philosophy, it's just a two year program (instead of the usual four back home) and the classes are all held in English (as well as in Italian) and are held just in the afternoons (mornings are left open to study - and see Rome!).
There's Agius Magnificus, in his own words "not to be confused with agios, ha ha."
Is that flower-pot orange over the entrance? It used to be white. Looks better now. At least it's not "c.c dei b.ini"
We have a dear friend who has been studying canon law at the Angelicum for some years. I won't mention his name; he might not ever speak to me again. He has loved the experience of living in Rome.
Yes, he's been there since 1961 and still doesn't believe in Papa Benny xv's SPIRITVS PARACLITVS!?
Actually, the facade just got a new skim coat in 2006 so now it all matches (the ceiling over the chapter room had collapsed after a rain storm) so they had the roof fixed and this front cleaned up...
Actually, he is not that old and has only been there since 1999. He works as a tour guide to support his studies.
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