Such a colossal edifice! With untiring zeal coupled with God-given grace, the Catholic faith is expounded from this little church overlooking the sea (lux lucet in tenebris). Emblazoned it is as a lumen coeli (a light in the heavens).
Ciao and welcome to Russia! This is the port city of Vladivostok, overlooking the Sea of Japan. Is your call to be a missioner here (yeah, winters are cold, thanks for asking)?
There is a legitimate position and pedigree for clergy who might feel called to serve even for a temporary period in Russia. A fidei donum priest is one sent by his diocese to another country where there is a shortage of clergy. Perhaps this is your call (Christ precedes us – others have preceded us)…
What about laity who want to spread the Gospel?
the question of lay ministry always answers itself. in russia we need clergy and sisters as there are none...
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