Thursday, November 01, 2007

Summorum Pontificum: the Rome update...

Like I always say: "Good times in la Caput Mundi!"

Here's the new scoop: I just attended a baptism in the Classical rite according to the 1962 Roman Ritual in the Vatican Basilica. Here I am in the Capella del Coro with the celebrant, Msgr. Ignacio Barreiro, STD. Needless to say, it was glorious!

1 comment:

Dr. Peter H. Wright said...

I understand Mons. Barreiro will be the celebrant at the old rite Mass, organised by the Latin Mass Society of England, which will be celebrated in the chapel of San Michele, St. Peter's Basilica, at 7.15 a.m. on Friday 23 November.

But perhaps you already know about it.