"In the same spirit, he refused the tiara. It wasn't that he was rejecting the symbolic link with a temporal power whose time had passed. No, the point was much simpler: Vatican II had created a more Gospel-oriented, more spiritual Church."
-A Life With Karol by Stanislaw Cardinal Dziwisz, page 71.
Very misguided indeed.
"Vatican II had created a more spiritual Church." Yeah, right! Since when was it the business of a council to "create" any kind of Church? And where is the evidence of that more spiritual Church? The Church is in fact much less spiritual now. Let's get over all that Vat II thing, and let the Pope don once more the glorious, spiritual, gospel-oriented tiara!
I certainly do not see the opposition between tiara and Gospel. It has nothing to do with that. The Gospel teaches us that what defiles a person is not in the exterior but in the interior. Theatrical gestures will never move people closer to God. In any case what Wojtyla should had done is to teach the people on what makes people holy.
"Vatican II had created a more Gospel-oriented, more spiritual Church"
Looking at the state of today's Church, I doubt that is the case. Also, the idea that wearing tiara would mean less gospel-oriented and less spiritual is just beyond comprehension. Sometimes, what hides beneath the facade of humility is none other than pride: they are holier, more spiritual, more gospel-oriented than those previous generations who didn't think "correctly." Oh yes, indeed, political correctness shall bring us enlightenment.
Chissà in che cosa la tiara contrastava con una Chiesa più spirituale ed evangelica (e quella di prima che cos'era?). Forse lo sa solo il biografo.
So, before Vatican II the Church was not as Gospel-oriented??
Was the "spirit" not the same before and after Vatican II??
What happened to the "continuity" talks that we hear so much about these days?
This coming from a Cardinal? An outrage indeed!
Cardinal Dziwicz should keep his mouth closed, or else he risks scuppering the canonisation of JPII.
Misguided, and outrageously arrogant. The less spiritual and less Gospel oriented Church of the wicked days before Vatican II was what made his great hero a priest. Absolutely shameful.
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