These guys were just great! As I thanked them for their witness of tonsure they smiled and then began to explain to me in detail the theology behind it.
The roar is heard from Judah and may the Lord of History be praised for this evangelical and charismatic witness to the city and the world!
Hi - Do you know what Franciscan Order these folks are?
they are the piccoli frati (e sorelle) di gesu e maria v.v. if you want to contact them, they have no telephone, fax or home, but ask that you write them at:
presso chiesa s. nicola
celico (cs) 87053
Are these the dudes in Cosenza? I met one in Assisi once. His name was Brother Anthony Speedy. After mumbling to him in Italian, I worked out he was Australian!
I live in Italy, but I've never herard about them, it could be a new congregation.
Hey guys, I found a website (unofficial) about them, here is the link:
Very impressive group of young monks, complete with the traditional tonsure which was abandoned by nearly all monastic and religious Orders 40+ years ago. Very glad to see it making a strong come-back. This is not the only group in Italy or Europe (new Orders) which have returned the use of the monastic tonsure. There's another in Italy, and 2-3 in France and also 1 in Spain, and 1 in Brazil. Also we can't forget the Canons Regular of the New Jerusalem in the USA who likewise are restoring it.
I don't believe the young girls in the group are what you would call nuns, though. If they wish to be nuns, I think they should adopt a more traditional religious habit a la the style of the Poor Clares etc. Because as it is, they look like Muslim girls with what they're wearing now. I hope they adjust it to a more Catholic, "nunlike" habit.
But the brothers and their way of life and habit are very impressive. I hope they get many vocations.
Eh, the sisters habit is fine but you're right, I would make the veil a bit more substantial. Being a medieval fan, I dont like the stiff starched 12 piece linen headsets that nuns had to wear in the 1800's.
I like the idea of a freer, more natural, "wrap around" head garment for a nun...but I would add a cap-type think to keep the hair under (and their hair should be cut short), and a veil hanging down over the back attached by maybe a stiffer band at the forhead.
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