Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Pantheon: the 1,400th Anniversary Celebration...

Once a Christian temple! And the Mass setting used was for the dedication of a church terribilis est locus iste (which was actually composed for the dedication of the Pantheon!).


Anonymous said...

Great pictures of what seems like a beautiful and reverent Mass.
Do you know when the pantheon was renovated? I just realized the altar rail and hanging baldacchino are gone, and the Madonna behind the altar is in a much simpler frame. Was this recent or was I just used to seeing old pictures?

Unknown said...

beautiful pictures! I was just there 2 weeks ago. I feel that there is more history to everything there then anyone person will ever fully know.

Unknown said...

beautiful pictures! I was just there a couple weeks ago and I feel like there is more history in that space than any of us will every know.