Thursday, September 10, 2009

Why I support the return of the sedia gestatoria...

AP photo from the Internet.
Paul's final reason sure makes sense to me:
"He [Pope Paul] wanted to abolish the special chair which carried him on four [um, actually it was more than four] mens' shoulders, but no solution was found to allow the pilgrims to see the Pope easily."
-Paul VI by Archbishop Pasquale Macchi, p. 65.
Rumours are rumours and it will be interesting to see what happens.


Anonymous said...

I cannot wait to see Pope Benedict XVI on the sedia, one of the great symbols of the sovereignty of the Pontificate.

God bless His Holiness!

Long may he use the sedia gestatoria!

Johnny Domer said...

I am guessing, with sadness, that it will not happen. There were rumors early in Benedict's Pontificate that the Sedia would be returned, but Benedict specifically addressed the matter and said he would NOT return to least, that was what I remembered.

Anonymous said...

It has been far too long !!!! Hope it is true

Anonymous said...

I doubt it will ever happen given the tight security in place for the Holy Father. He'd be a clear, open target on the sedia.

Anonymous said...

When the sedia will be use?

Anonymous said...

I prefer the return of the Tiara over the Sedia. That would be a more meaningful symbol to bring back. Since the present Holy Father has removed the Tiara from his coat of arms, I doubt he wil restore the Sedia.

By the way, did you know Pius X disliked the Sedia intensly & only used it out of repect for tradition?

Unknown said...

I hope it's true!

Anonymous said...

If the Sedia Gestatoria returns, on a regular basis, I will return to mass.

Mark said...

If it would be a security issue then they should install a bulletproof shield which would encase the sedia. Is that impractical?

RipK said...

ARE YOU SERIOUS? That would be fantastic. What a glorious site! i just hope you are right.
New York City

Anonymous said...

I should imagine that considerations such as the image of the Pope being carried on the backs of other men and the negative impact that could have in a secular media would be enough to keep this form of transport in mothballs for many more years to come.

Anonymous said...

:) Ich kann das ja kaum glauben/erwarten unseren Benndikt so zusehen! Was werden da die Modernisten schreien! Und ich höre schon Pater von Gemmingen winseln und in Erklärungsnöte kommen!
Aber wir rufen treu "Viva il Papa"!!!!

Unknown said...

"By the way, did you know Pius X disliked the Sedia intensly & only used it out of repect for tradition?"

Interesting...Do you have the source or the link about that?

Anonymous said...

Sedia Gestatoria! At last! God Bless our pontiff!

Anonymous said...

If the Holy Father said "Look everyone, it is easier for me, I'm tired and the walking is taking its' toll" would anyone object to that? Let him rest and at the same time we can see him better.

Edward P. Walton said...

I think it was fear of the possible eventual triumph of communism and its new world order that prompted the removal of the Sedia and Flabelli, together with the whole Papal Court. (Dragoons and Black Nobility)

Anonymous said...

John XXIII also hated the Sedia, but for another reason. The swaying motion made him sea-sick!!

Paul VI hated it because he was afraid of falling. That's been written in more articles than I can count...that's the only reason he wanted to discard ulterior motive or Vatican II "updating". He was afraid (after it nearly happed 1x), of being yanked from the chair by over enthusiastic pilgrims and crashing to the ground.

John said...

If the sedia gestatoria returns, I'm outta here...

Anonymous said...

"By the way, did you know Pius X disliked the Sedia intensly & only used it out of repect for tradition?"

Yes, this is what a true holy pope means to be. Regardless of personal opinions, they respect the traditions of the Church. Popes must not be autocrats, like Vatican II popes, but mere servers. We need popes who are humble.

Anonymous said...

"Paul VI hated it because he was afraid of falling. That's been written in more articles than I can count...that's the only reason he wanted to discard ulterior motive or Vatican II "updating". He was afraid (after it nearly happed 1x), of being yanked from the chair by over enthusiastic pilgrims and crashing to the ground."

Knowing the Vatican intriges perhaps Paul VI was afraid that a "traditional" palafrenieri would yank him out of the chair in revenge. Knowing the Vatican I wouldn't trust my life even to the Secretary of State.

Anonymous said...

"I think it was fear of the possible eventual triumph of communism and its new world order that prompted the removal of the Sedia and Flabelli, together with the whole Papal Court. (Dragoons and Black Nobility)"

I think the II Vatican Council was the way the Church thought it could survive to the eventual victory of communism in Europe. But they were very wrong. The II Vatican Council open the way for the secularization of the Church.

Unknown said...

The sedia gestatoria elevates the Holy Father to the dignity he deserves as the Supreme Pontiff of the Universal Church, as does the tiara. I would like to see them both return. Of course, in this wicked, satanic age, the Holy Father would be a sitting duck for someone just waiting to knock him off if he were being carried around in public. However, it would be awesome to see the sedia gestatoria used within the basilica. I'll never forget seeing Paul VI carried down the nave of St. Peter's. It was grand!

Anonymous said...

Sarebbe veramente buono usare la sedia,sopratutto per motivo, che i fedeli vedono Papa, ma per la salute del Pontefice non sarebbe buono.

Anonymous said...

It will take a change of heart.

Anonymous said...

It will come back in Gods good time (kairos).

Anonymous said...

1000-year-old tradition of a papal coronation and the wearing of a papal tiara and the sedia gestatoria goes back longer if i was the Pope i would get rid of the mitre relics Rosary icons candles habit and the four minor order ostiarius lector Exorcists Acolytha redi set go i have got rid of the four minor order im not bound by rules made by a predecessor and may freely change them im a Monarch haha!!! if i do what i have write plaese shot!!! me
FIRST Vatican COUNCIL said the pope is NOT an absolute Monarch whose will is law rather he is guardian of the authentic tradition

Ricardo said...

"Paul VI hated it because he was afraid of falling."

Are you sure? Paul VI really was afraid of many things, but these
many things was linked to his afraid of tradition.

Kungys said...

Sonnen....what's up with the chair.....?