Like I once barked to my parents while I was still just a kid: "When I die, I just want a nice old-school funeral like grandpa said there used to be: in Latin with all the toys ( = back vestements with no flowers)." Now that I'm a few years older and a little smarter, I ask, too, for a Gregorian Requiem cause I just love to hear In Paradisum!
For an epithet on my nice Italian granite stone? DILEXIT ECCLESIAM (HE LOVED THE CHURCH).
Hi John Paul!
I just found your blog and stole some pictures for mine. Say hi to Chris for me. Will you forward any scoops to me regarding our new coadjutor? See what you can do. Thanks and God bless you!
Um, don't you mean "epitaph?"
Tsk tsk: bleached candles for a Requiem?!
thanks for your note. yes, we got liberal on the candles (everyone's gotta bend somewhere)! visit us in rome sometime! god bless you always!
thanks for the nice note. i like your site very much. i'll let you know if i hear anything here in rome about our next biship. my sources in the cong. for bishops love to talk shop over a gin and tonic now and then.
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