Monday, February 18, 2008

1929 Citroën of Pius XI and Pius XII...

In the Vatican Museums one can see old autos from the papal motor fleet. This section of the museum is only open in the morning, on some days.
1929 was a special year for the Vatican. With the Lateran Treaty, there was a great exchange of gifts. Citroën, along with Mercedes-Benz and Graham Paige saw a public relations moment: they each gifted the Pope with a new automobile.
Since 1870 the Popes did not leave the Vatican. Now they could. So it was only proper that the Pope was given the most modern and speedy automobiles in the industry.
Citroën Italiana, 1929
Lictoria Sex, 6 cylinder
Made in Milan

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love your fascinating blog JP! I attend the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament in Christchurch, New Zealand. A long way from Rome in distance but not in spirit! Michael in NZ