It's a rather patriotic garment: red, white and blue (red sash, white collar and blue buttons and piping).
Sadly, with the dynamics of modernism, N.A.C. seminarians are no longer allowed to wear this, their habit, around Rome. I have heard the seminarians complain for years: "If we get caught we'll get kicked out."
I too have heard this. It's upsetting, particularly if one's national garb is er... decorative! I'm in Edinburgh; I'm sure you've seen the striking Soutane of the Pontifical Scots College.
Actually, the NAC bought several NAC cassoks for serving Mass in the seminary chapel and other events. Look at the NAC page and you will see them being used. Any seminarian can go to Gamerelli's and have one made. But it would be unreasonable and very expensive.
NAC faculty tribunal are like a catgut kazoo. Lots of hot air with little sense of NAC tradition or history. The real kangaroo court to blame is the board of directors.
The problem is Archiep. E.F. O'Brien, now Archbishop of Baltimore, who rules the Board with a liberal fist.
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