Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Rome Masses in Latin...

This is the proof. Now Santa Maria degli Angeli has a nice Mass in Latin every Sunday morning, too.
UPDATE: The Santa Maria degli Angeli Mass is in Latin, albeit Novus Ordo. This avviso is for another Rome chapel.


Alfredo de Bonis said...

I remember going to a Solemn High Mass(Mass of Pius V) in a chapel of San Giuseppe il Muratore off the Via Della Scrofa. I heard that this group has been given a church near Piazza Farnese, St.? dei Pelligrini(?) Could you send me some info. I will be in Rome on Sunday April 25. Thanks, Alfredo

John Paul Sonnen said...

Yes, it was San Gregorio dei Muratori, now closed.

Yes, see here for Santissima Trinita' dei Pellegrini: