As a friend just shared: "The year 1968 has lasted longer in Italy than in any other country of the world."
What we just witnessed these past days is the ultimate defeat of that year in Italy in that they tried to do it (the bull) again and couldn't get away with it.
I'm a graduate student and tour operator living in Rome, Italy. Life is good. Studium Urbis! P.S. To know history is to be Catholic. P.P.S. Schedule your tour with us while in Rome.
J.P. Sonnen is an author, history docent, educator and travel writer. His graduate degrees are from the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum) in Rome, Italy.
Many thanks to JP for these photos.
News of the rally in support of Pope Benedict has spread quickly across the Catholic blogs.
This is the slogan with which I was most taken : Uniti al Papa :
A Difesa della Civilta !
You wouldn't have seen such a sentiment expressed in the days of Pius IX and the risorgimento !
The urbane and civilised Pope Benedict is having the most extraordinary effect on people.
I rather think the secularists misjudged public opinion.
Very brutta figura.
Laudetur Jesus Christus.
Viva il Papa !
As a friend just shared: "The year 1968 has lasted longer in Italy than in any other country of the world."
What we just witnessed these past days is the ultimate defeat of that year in Italy in that they tried to do it (the bull) again and couldn't get away with it.
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