Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Latine dictum (spoken Latin)...

Just yesterday I got a nice tour of the Pontifical Salesian Univeristy in Rome. The campus is really modern, but it was a really nice visit.
If you feel called to study classical languages in Rome (Greek and Latin), then study here: http://www.ups.urbe.it/ . You can graduate in three years with a baccalaureate or two more years with a licentiate or even a doctorate in classical languages.


Anonymous said...

I thought all the Pontifical Universities in Italy had signed up to the Bologna Agreement standardising European qualifications. This would surely make the bacculaureates you speak of last three years in the future as is to be the case with the philosophy degrees.

Anonymous said...

I hear the faculty at the Salesianum is rather laid back, or so the story goes. They try their best to recognize as much academic credit from back stateside as possible. There's only one American in the program.

John Paul Sonnen said...

Yes, you are right. It was just changed last year and so now the bacculaureate is three years there. Many thanks for the correction!