Here we see the last Papal Coronation Mass in June of 1963. This is back before the hippies changed even the way we worship.
Today the masses attend Papal Mass in t-shirt and jeans. But back in the day it was different. Until our modern era every item for use in the "holy of holies" had always been of the purest quality.
For example, pure linen altar cloths (today, all polyester), all starched cottas (today, all linen blend), all pure silk (today, all fake whatever), all hand-made items (today, all machine made), real beeswax hand-painted candles (today, all plastic/oil), all wool cassocks with starched linen collars (today, imitation garments and plastic collars), etc.
And today all music that has a dance beat!
One of my neighbors who is a young Catholic has a good quote regarding this.
Regarding the relaxed attitude, sloppy vesture, modern vestments, horrible Protestant music at Mass and fake everything about the Vatican II Mass, he says
"When your given garbage (meaning the Novus Ordo), that's what you give back."
Thanks so much for posting these great pictures!! Those were the days indeed.
*tips fedora
oh please - grow up!
oh please - grow up!
oh please, grow up!
felice onomastico!!
felice onomastico!!
Bring back beauty in the liturgy!
Why do we keep looking back to the past? Quality cost money. I have no problems with viewing things from the past, but when we have to live in the past and no the present time, I have to question all what is going on.
As far as Church music is concerned, we are in the 21st century, lets start worshiping in the 21st century.
Why do we keep looking back to the past? Quality cost money. I have no problems with viewing things from the past, but when we have to live in the past and no the present time, I have to question all what is going on.
As far as Church music is concerned, we are in the 21st century, lets start worshiping in the 21st century.
Personally, I resent the last "anonymou's comment". If I thought that there was absolutely no chance that some (or all) of this magnificent liturgy could come back, and instead we'd be stuck with the improvised junk we've had since 1969 with the NOvus Ordo, and that we'd probably (at least in the USA), become more and more like Protestants (ugh!!!), then I;d probably convert to the Greek Orthodox.
They haven't changed in 1,700 years, and don't have "make everything up from scratch (including music) as we go along" Masses or liturgies.
This picture shows REAL 100% CATHOLICISM.
When I found out (quite by accident while reading a liturgical book for sale at a religious book store which had Lutheran service, Episcopalian service, and Catholic(Novus Ordo) Mass texts printed side by side ), that the present NOvus Ordo is a good 80% the same word for word as the Episcopalian "service", I almost lost my lunch.
Which is why if we got to be any more like Protestant (in order to worship in the 21st century and not look to the past), I'd leave in a second.
In view of such destruction is it still posible to live like nothing happened, all the souls damaged by the pride and arrogance of the modernist during their reign, which has not still not ended. The destruction that has engulfed the Catholic Church since the II Vatican Council can only stand at the same level as the desctruction (and extermination) that totalitarianism produced during the XXth century. Is there any pride to be in such company? How can these people sleep with a clear conscious? If I would have been in the company of those who guided these changes, I would have lost all of my faith. These past 40 years will go down in the history of humanity, and of the church, as one of the most evil periods. I thank God that American protestants kept the faith in Jesus Christ alive, because the Catholic Church worked against Jesus, during all of this time.
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