Any comment from Reggie?
“Well friends, Latin lives!” Fr. Foster, the world’s greatest living latinist, with great enthusiasim, has announced his createion of his own “Latin Academy” here in Rome.
Academia Romae Latinitatis
Perennis Romae Latinitas
I. First Experience of the Latin Language:
Introductory, synthetic presentation of the Latin language through examples from 2,000 years of Latinity: as basis initial learning. 35 afternoon encounters of 90 minutes plus personal outside projects.
II. Second Experience of the Latin Language:
Immediate, practical application of the Latin language through examples from colloquial Latinity: as material for speaking, familiarization, appreciation exercises in Latin conversation.
III. Third Experiece of the Latin Language:
Advanced, analytic demonstration of the Latin language through examples from 2,000 years of Latinity: as a basis for future specialization. 35 afternoon encounters of 90 plus personal outside projects.
IV. Fourth Experience of the Latin Language:
Specialization course or reading and composition, exercises and pedagogical practice. 35 afternoon encounters of 90 minutes plus personal outside projects.
V. Fifth Experience of the Latin Language:
Continuing education on the highest level of Latin reading and writing, speaking and teaching. 35 afternoon encounters of 90 minutes plus personal outside projects.
Huzzah! No news yet on where it'll be?
It seems like this would be a good time to mobilize Reggie fans around the world to raise some capital so Reggie could rent a space, no? I mean, there are 121 members of the summer yahoo email list - if everyone gave $50... that sort of thing?
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