Ciao and welcome to the busiest clerical freight line in the world! I took this photo inside the hallowed Gammarelli clerical shop in Rome. Mister Gammarelli is the private tailor to the Pope!
The leftover clerics from the turbulent 1960s don't like this innocent hat, the biretta. Writhing with fear of anything "too Catholic" they say that it shouldn't be worn anymore by anyone. Because we have to be more cunning than the devil, to these draft dogers I reply: "Hey, if Signor Gammarelli says it's cool, then it's a big phat cool, basta!"
Yet another excellent pic! Keep 'em coming!
What are the blue birettas for?
Excelletn... wish I knew what the blue ones are for...
These are not academic birettas - they are the ordinary sort. Academic ones are black, and have four vanes, and no tuft.
The blue ones could be violet - artifical light causes this colour shift in photos.
So who would wear a violet (as opposed to purple) biretta?
Blue is for Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Green is for Doctor of Canon Law
Dark Red is for Doctor of Theology (STD or ThD)
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